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Gaza Ceasefire: UNICEF Boosts Critical Aid for Children

par Australian Committee For UNICEF Limited

The long-awaited Gaza ceasefire has allowed UNICEF to initiate the urgently needed mass humanitarian response.

With at least 14,500 children dead, tens of thousands of children more injured, an estimated 17,000 children separated from their parents, humanitarian needs are colossal.

In collaboration with local partners, UNICEF is delivering life-saving nutrition, water and sanitation, health and psychosocial supplies and education for children and families.

Situation in Gaza for children and families:

• 19 January ceasefire deal officially began after 15 months of conflict
• More than 1 million children are displaced and in need of humanitarian aid
• Less than half of Gaza’s hospitals are functional
• Water production is at less than 25% capacity
• 95% of school buildings are damaged or destroyed

We need your help to deliver this critical response for children. Donate now.

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