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New Delhi, Delhi

i-Saksham means ‘I am capable’. The idea was driven by the core belief that enabling young women’s leadership (making them ‘Saksham i.e. Capable) through education can drive sustainable social change. i-Saksham aims to build 10,000 grassroots women leaders in backward areas of India by 2030, who bring lasting change in the lives of their communities.

I-SAKSHAM EDUCATION AND LEARNING FOUNDATION (i-Saksham) is a non-profit organization that has been building local young women as 'Leaders of Change' in backward and extremism-affected areas of India. It uses education as a medium to build women leaders. Hence, calls them 'edu-leaders'.

These young women edu-leaders undergo a 2-year leadership development program followed by continuous alumni engagement to:
1. Grow as female role models, develop a sense of self-worth, and ... Leggi tutto

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