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Destitution Appeal - Help Refugees

by Positive Action In Housing Ltd.

The refugee crisis has not gone away.

There are now over 25M refugees globally. Our Lifeline programme to help refugee families resolve a crisis and rebuild their lives is experiencing increased demand. We help provide shelter and crisis payments while emergency caseworkers around the country assist families and lone individuals to resolve a crisis. Positive Action in Housing’s Lifeline Service offers shelter, crisis grants, food cards, bus passes and help to destitute refugees and asylum seekers with no right to housing, jobs or state support. People are routinely being left destitute despite being entitled to support. As well as humanitarian aid, we proactively help people rebuild their lives. This year, we will distribute approx. £100,000 in crisis grants to destitute people from Syria, Eritrea, Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, Palestine and Yemen. We have arranged free shelter for over 4,500 refugees and displaced people in the homes of volunteer hosts in London, Glasgow, Edinburgh & elsewhere in the UK. We assist hundreds of vulnerable children, women and men to rebuild their lives using this approach. We expect greater demand from the elderly, pregnant women, families and the sick. With your help, we can do more. Please stand up for refugees and help protect them.

Any donation you give, no matter how small, is appreciated. Donate here, and add gift aid. Also, set up a regular payment (standing order) via internet banking to Positive Action in Housing Ltd (SC027577). See Every penny goes towards providing emergency relief for destitute refugees in Glasgow, Edinburgh and London. Note: The gift aid from this appeal will support our core humanitarian work. For more info: email Thank you for your support.

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