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349-Educ8 Empowerment Program for Young Women

par Turkish Philanthropy Funds

Educ8 Empowerment Program empowers young women from Turkiye to help them realize their potentials despite of their underprivileged backgrounds. The program was created and led by TPF donor, Gunay Aksoy, and run by Cagdas Yasami Destekleme Dernegi (Association for the Support of Contemporary Living).
With this one-month program, young women study English abroad, spend time with mentors in their fields of study, practice English with native speakers and participate in field trips organized by program volunteers from different cultures and backgrounds.
Everyone involved in this program makes a huge difference in these young women's lives, helping them expand their horizons and realize their potential!
Since its inception in 2015, 26 bright young women successfully completed the Educ8 Program. The impact of the program has been beyond English language education as it transforms the lives of young women by articulating new opportunities through visions that are achievable and compelling. Their one-month experience enables them to ‘see’ and relate to new visions, and move toward them.
The program aims to continue to develop new partnerships, get more support, and enhance its outreach. After the break taken throughout the pandemic, the Educ8 Program is getting ready for 2022 London program with five new participants!
Please support these bright young women to gain new experiences and broaden their horizons! You can donate to the cause and join the team of volunteers to make a bigger impact!

Matching Gift Programs: If your firm offers a matching program, please use the following details when submitting the organizational information:

Organization: Turkish Philanthropy Funds
Designation:"Educ8 Program"
Address: 1460 Broadway New York, NY 10036 US
U.S. Tax ID-EIN: 208392006

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