Dear Friends,
We invite you to join us in remembering Irem (Kosif) Bolukbasi (1984-2019) in a symposium celebration to honor her life and contributions to the polymer field.
Originally from Turkiye, Irem first visited the Polymer Science & Engineering (PSE) Department at University of Massachusetts Amherst as an undergraduate researcher in 2007. She obtained both her Bachelor’s degree (2007) and Master’s degree (2009) in chemistry from Bogazici University in Istanbul, Turkiye. In 2009, Irem was accepted into the UMass Amherst Polymer Science and Engineering (PSE) Ph.D. program and successfully defended her thesis in 2015. Irem was a terrific researcher, with notable contributions to catalyst design and polymerizations, and nine publications on polymer synthesis, polymer nanocomposites, and functional particles localized to fluid-fluid interfaces.
While at UMass, Irem touched many hearts and minds through her kindness, laughter, and friendship. She brought out the best in everyone around her and was as terrific collaborator. After completing her Ph.D. in Todd Emrick’s group, she and her husband Engin moved to St. Paul, Minnesota, where she worked at 3M as a Product Development Engineer. One of her products (Scotch-BriteTM Glass Cooktop Pads and Wand) was commercialized in 2019, and it brought her so much joy to know she contributed to a meaningful commercial product useful in millions of households. Irem is an inventor and/or co-inventor of 8 US Patents, and their Foreign Equivalents (all filled by 3M Company). Foreign equivalents simultaneously filed in 10+ countries and jurisdictions. Irem endured several surgeries and treatments for cancer during graduate school and while at 3M, and sadly passed away in December 2019, leaving behind her husband, and many family members and friends.
Irem’s kindness, friendship, laughter, cleverness, courage, faith, and joy filled every room and overflowed into the hearts of everyone around her in a way that continues to make us all better friends, scientists, and people. To remember Irem and continue her legacy, we invite you to join us in building the Irem Bolukbasi Memorial Fund. The funds will be used for:
A symposium in Irem’s honor to be held on June 14, 2024 in Amherst, MA. Together, we will celebrate Irem’s life and legacy with a scientific symposium, including invited lectures, a poster session, and career panel.
Summer undergraduate research scholarships: Since a summer research experience brought Irem to UMass PSE, we envisage providing a future generation of undergraduates with an opportunity to visit UMass PSE for summer research with support for their stipend, travel, and housing. The scholarship recipient will be chosen from a pool of applicants, through a competitive selection process by an independent committee. We hope to kick this off in 2024 with the support of one student; going forward, we aspire to support a visitor each summer and, with sufficient funding, during the academic year.
Graduate student award: One of Irem’s most profound legacies emanates from her persona as she brought kindness, joy, and creativity to her daily inter-personal interactions. Thus, our vision is to recognize a PSE graduate student each year who reflects Irem’s qualities, and is proving to be an outstanding classmate, collaborator, and colleague among PSE students.
All contributions are appreciated and your gifts will go a long way towards establishing Irem’s legacy. Thank you for helping us to celebrate and remember our dear friend, Irem.
Engin Bolukbasi- Irem’s Husband
Todd Emrick- Professor, Polymer Science & Engineering University of Massachusetts Amherst, Ph.D advisor
Maria (Chiappelli) Pastor- Irem’s Friend and classmate, UMass Alumna
Betsy Mott-Solom, Irem’s Friend and co-worker of Irem
Rachel Letteri, Assistant Professor, Chemical Engineering, University of Virginia
Irem’s Friend and labmate, UMass Alumna
Megan Szyndler- Irem’s Friend and labmate, UMass Alumna