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UNHCR in Afghanistan

by United Kingdom for UNHCR

Afghanistan has suffered more than 40 years of conflict, natural disasters, chronic poverty and food insecurity. Facing an ongoing humanitarian crisis, the resilience of refugees, internally displaced people and host communities is slowly reaching its limit. The people of Afghanistan have lived with conflict and environmental crisis for more than four decades. Entire generations have never known peace and millions remain displaced.

Since the announcement of Pakistan’s plan to repatriate all illegal foreigners, more than 464,000 people have returned to Afghanistan. More than 28,000 Afghans have been deported. People arriving have been reported to be in very dire conditions, and the needs are expected to increase due to the current political instability.

Afghan nationals forced to leave Pakistan face grave risk of human rights violations upon return, particularly women and girls

UNHCR is on the ground and doing everything possible to support civilians, but urgently needs public support to help it reach families in desperate need. UNHCR’s work in Afghanistan focuses on protecting the most vulnerable and assisting newly displaced Afghans with life-saving shelter, food, water and core relief items, both within Afghanistan and neighbouring countries. Our work is crucial in supporting the most vulnerable in society, children and young people, who make up some 65% of the Afghan population. Together with our partners, we are committed to staying on the ground and delivering our emergency response as long as we can access those in need.

UNHCR continued to enrol and provide cash assistance to non-VRF (Voluntary Repatriation Form) cardholders in Kabul, Kandahar and Jalalabad Encashment centres. Some 33,500 people have been assisted since 12 November.

There are many ways your donation can support someone displaced today.

£35 will provide five sanitary kits including laundry soap, toilet soap and sanitary napkins.
£52 can buy a core relief kit, providing a family with blankets, sleeping mats, mosquito nets and a kitchen set.
For £310 you can provide an emergency shelter kit, including a family tent and plastic tarpaulins.

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