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CALGARY, Alberta

RFCSL Mission, Vision and Core Values STATEMENT  To deliver service that is congruent with RFCSL’s Vision, Mission and Values under the guidance of RFCSL’s Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct.     VISION   Our vision is to be recognized as a leader in providing disability support services which help create diverse and inclusive communities.    MISSION   Our mission is to promote independence and community inclusion to persons with developmental disabilities in a safe, sustainable manner with a highly skilled, diverse workforce in collaboration with their support network.    CORE VALUES   Resourceful Futures Community Support Ltd. core operating values influence our culture, service development, communication, and relationships.  The following are our core values:   COMPASSION- Compassion improves health, well-being, and relationships.  Therefore, our workforce has adopted a compassionate leadership style that creates a supportive, less stressful work environment.   DIVERSITY- We believe diversity, in all its forms (background, history, individuality, skills, talents), is an incredible strength that enables us to be better equipped to withstand and resolve a multitude of challenges.  Beyond accepting our differences, we must act to build upon them.   COLLABORATION- Collaboration is using teamwork to achieve superior outcomes.  Everyone’s opinion is valued.  Teams that work collaboratively obtain greater resources, recognition, and rewards.    ACTION- We thrive on acting in a timely manner to achieve improved outcomes.  Leading edge accomplishments arise from acting.    ACCOUNTABILITY- We pride ourselves on complete openness, enhancing confidence and competence among the workforce, services users, and stakeholders. 

RFCSL, established in 1991, since has made a significant impact on the community by promoting independence and community inclusion for individuals with developmental disabilities. Here are some keyways RFCSL has contributed:
• Residential Supports: RFCSL matches clients with community homes that provide a caring and supportive environment, enabling them to reach their maximum personal potential.
• Employment and Volunteer Services: The organization offers numerous ... Mehr lesen

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