
CARE: Community Nutrition and Health Activity in Bangladesh


Malnutrition is a significant challenge in Bangladesh, particularly among
mothers and children. Bangladesh’s 2022 Demographic and Health Survey found
that 24% of children under age five are stunted, 22% are underweight, and 11% are
wasted. Poor maternal nutrition and infant and young child feeding practices,
micronutrient deficiencies, and low birth weight contribute to the
malnourishment. The country also has the highest prevalence of child marriage
in South Asia and 51% of young women are married before the age of 18. Social
and economic factors including climate change and natural disasters, sanitation
and hygiene, and availability and access to clean drinking water and food are
major challenges.

USAID's Community Nutrition and Health Activity (CNHA) will use the Core Team
model to improve the quality, effectiveness, and efficiency of Bangladesh’s
community health system. CNHA will use effective social and behavior
change strategies to boost demand for services and good health, nutrition,
and family planning (FP) practices.

CNHA aims to sustainably impact the nutrition and health of women and children in
their first 1000 days of life. The project will strive to achieve its goal by contributing to
the following result areas:

RESULT 1: Strengthened community health systems to deliver nutrition, FP and health services
RESULT 2: Improved household nutrition and health behaviors
RESULT 3: Enhanced leadership and governance for improved nutrition
RESULT 4 : Resilience of communities and households to potential nutrition shocks increased

