
MOO 'Pravozaschitnuy centr 'Memorial''

Moscow, Moskva

ОВД-Инфо — независимый правозащитный медиа-проект про политические преследования в России. С помощью горячей линии мы собираем информацию о задержаниях на публичных акциях и других случаях политпрессинга, публикуем новости и координируем юридическую помощь задержанным.

OVD-Info is an independent human rights media project. Our mission is to collect, analyze and spread data on political repression in Russia. We monitor detentions and other cases of political pressure, inform media and human rights organisations, provide legal assistance to activists. An example of our work can be illustrated by the latest mass rallies on 9th of September 2018 Mass rallies were held around 80 cities of Russia. It ended up with over 1195 people being detained. Our hotline ... 阅读更多

