
Humanitarian Coalition / Coalition Humanitaire

OTTAWA, Ontario

The Humanitarian Coalition is a network of 12 of the leading aid agencies in Canada who come together to respond to different crises around the world. Together, our member organizations have a presence in 140 countries and mobilize within hours to respond to emergencies. Additionally, the Humanitarian Coalition is frequently the recipient of Government of Canada matching funds during crises. When disasters strike, our agencies work together to raise awareness of the needs. We collaborate with media, businesses, the government, and individuals in Canada to raise funds for a comprehensive response. By joining forces we eliminate competition, reduce costs, and make it easier for people to donate.

Our members are Action Against Hunger, Canadian Foodgrains Bank, CARE Canada, Canadian Lutheran World Relief, Doctors of the World, Humanity & Inclusion, Islamic Relief Canada, Oxfam Canada, Oxfam-Québec, Plan International Canada, Save the Children Canada, and World Vision Canada.

About partnerships: Media and the private sector are invited to participate during times of humanitarian emergencies, when needs are greatest. Please consider matching your employees’ donations, making a grant, or helping us raise awareness. For more information on partnerships contact: sara.rivera@humanitariancoalition.ca.

