Reconciliation Canada was founded in 2012 as a vision of Chief Dr. Robert Joseph. The organization stemmed from the hope of building a new relationship among Indigenous peoples and all Canadians. Our activities include Reconciliation Dialogue Workshops, Public Awareness and Education events, and training programs.
Each person has an important role to play in reconciliation. Reconciliation begins with oneself and then extends into our families, relationships, workplaces and ... 阅读更多
Reconciliation Canada was founded in 2012 as a vision of Chief Dr. Robert Joseph. The organization stemmed from the hope of building a new relationship among Indigenous peoples and all Canadians. Our activities include Reconciliation Dialogue Workshops, Public Awareness and Education events, and training programs.
Each person has an important role to play in reconciliation. Reconciliation begins with oneself and then extends into our families, relationships, workplaces and eventually into our communities.
A vibrant Canada where all peoples achieve their full potential and shared prosperity.
We are an Indigenous-led organization that catalyzes meaningful relationships through values-based dialogue, leadership and action.
• ‘Namwayut – We are All One
• Dignity
• Hope
• Openness
• Understanding
• Courage
Reconciliation Canada actively provides programs and initiatives to inspire positive change in communities throughout Canada.
Through the development of meaningful partnerships and community outreach programs, Reconciliation Canada has delivered a series of Reconciliation Dialogue Workshops across Canada, hosted events during Reconciliation Week in September 2013, including the Walk for Reconciliation engaging 70,000 people in Downtown Vancouver, and co-hosted events in Ottawa and Vancouver to coincide with the closing of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada.
Our current programs and initiatives:
• Reconciliation in Action – A National Engagement Strategy (Canada 150 Signature Project) - We have reached a pivotal moment in our shared history. 2017 marks the 150th anniversary of Canadian confederation. The activities in 2017 provide a unique opportunity for reflection and an opportunity to build new relationships that contribute to our collective well-being. Through Reconciliation in Action: A National Engagement Strategy, Reconciliation Canada will examine and document perceptions, actions and aspirations of Canadians in relation to reconciliation. This narrative will recognize our common history, highlight current achievements and create a vision for the next 150 years. This project includes several initiatives planned across Canada through 2016 and 2017 to engage diverse individuals, groups and organizations in the reconciliation process.
This project includes several initiatives planned across Canada through 2016 and 2017 to engage diverse individuals, groups and organizations in the reconciliation process:
a) A National Narrative on Reconciliation Online Engagement and Back Pocket Reconciliation Action Plans
b) Six National Reconciliation Gatherings (NRGs)
c) National Gathering of Spiritual Leaders and Youth
d) A National Narrative on Reconciliation Report
e) National Thought Table on Reconciliation
f) Walk for Reconciliation
Reconciliation Canada is organizing, in partnership with City of Vancouver, the Walk for Reconciliation on September, 24th, 2017. The Walk for Reconciliation will celebrate our shared commitment to move forward in the next 150 years in a new way, and to transform and renew the very essence of the relationships among Indigenous peoples and all Canadians. The event will include multicultural opening and closing ceremonies with cultural performances, local Indigenous blessing and traditional ceremonies, storytelling, and speeches from notable Canadian leaders.
• Reconciliation Dialogue Workshops - Reconciliation Dialogue Workshops bring together community leaders to build meaningful partnerships and identify opportunities for collaboration. Each workshop creates a safe space for participants to share personal stories, discuss visions for a better future, and to develop individual and collective Reconciliation Action Plans. Reconciliation Dialogue Workshops have been delivered in a diversity of settings, including government, youth, corporate and community organizations.
• Public Awareness and Education - Public awareness and interactive community outreach activities promote an understanding of our shared histories. Our initiatives allow participants to explore the meaning of reconciliation through community events, keynote speeches and presentations.
• Reconciliation Learning Experiences for Organizations - Reconciliation Canada offers a number of opportunities for organizations to engage with reconciliation, including speaking engagements and Reconciliation Dialogue Workshops.