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396-Colorado ITU Birlik Giving Circle

efter Turkish Philanthropy Funds

The objective of the Colorado Giving Circle is to provide financial and social support to engineering/science students in Turkiye who are in need o give them the opportunity to educate and improve themselves to “create a generation, which is free in opinion, free in conscience, and free incomprehension”, as envisioned by Ataturk.

We are of the conviction that this support of the deserving Engineering students, who believe in scientific knowledge and inquiry and embrace the founding principles of the The Republic of Turkiye emphasizing the secular democracy, freedom, equality, and human rights, is an investment in the bright future of Turkiye. With this belief, we are inviting you to contribute to this important project with your generous donations.

Our first collaboration is with ITU Birlik. Since its inception in 1935 as the first alumni organization of ITU, Istanbul Section of the Solidarity Association of ITU Alumni have been at the forefront of many important initiatives including a program to provide financial assistance to successful ITU students who need support to continue and complete their education.

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