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Seodaemungu, Seoul Teugbyeolsi

KUMFA was established by unwed mothers themselves in 2009 to help unwed mothers to raise their children without giving up. Mothers have decided to work together to root out social discriminations against them and their children also advocate their rights and interests. 2009 on the year KUMFA was founded, more than 2,000 children were adopted overseas and domestics. 97% of them were from unwed mothers. Until then, people thought unwed mothers could not raise their children, and it would be better to put their children up for adoption. When women got pregnant, they have nowhere to go, except unwed mothers' facilities because their families and boyfriends have turned their backs against them. Especially in Adoption Agency that provided shelters, mothers had to sign the consent to give their child for adoption to be able to stay in the shelters. The first thing they did to get into the facility was to sign an adoption document. Throughout their stay, mothers were forced to put their children up for adoption. When mothers finally gave birth, the agency took their babies away from them immediately. The agency did not even allow mothers to see the faces of their babies. For mothers it is so painful to go through this separation. When mothers change their mind and is willing to get their babies back, the agency requests the return of expenses. Mothers have to pay between 200$~10,000$ to bring their babies back. Some of them had no choice but to give up their children due to the financial costs. Around that time, many unwed mothers agreed that they had no support from their families, nor our society. They thought, they should help one another to raise their children. “If no one helped us, then we should help ourselves”. This is how KUMFA was established. They named their association as Korean Unwed Mothers' Families Association. Which means a complete family of unwed mothers and their children. KUMFA also opened an online community called ‘Miss Mommamia". Thanks to the online café, unwed mothers around the country could communicate with one another. Now they have their voices under the name of KUMFA, not like before where they should stay in silence and have no power to be heard. They revealed the dark reality to the Korean society, and the society finally came to give attention. Eventually, our society realized that there are unwed mothers who want to raise their own children, not giving up. KUMFA and our activities have changed our society and unwed mothers themselves. Over the last ten years, by strengthening our organizational capabilities, they do not feel alone anymore. They could empower each other and raise children together. By improving awareness campaigns and activities, they have let reality known and made their voices heard.

There are many activities KUMFA has been doing for the unwed mothers. The main five categorized activities would be, public awareness campaigns, counselling and support, training and community support, public relations, and financial business.
Public awareness campaigns:
Human library has been carried out many times during the years, unwed mothers gather and share their own stories about their life journey. Through this, people gain courage and be inspired. We also lobby ... Läs mer

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