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Medical care for the leprosy affected deserving community in India

efter Madurai Health and Leprosy Relief Centre

Problem of Leprosy in India:-
Leprosy currently affects approximately a quarter of a million people throughout the world, with majority of these cases being reported from India. In India, has most of the lepers belong to families with poor financial state. Once diagnosed with leprosy, patients face the long and uphill task of recovering and reintegrating into their community. Due to their health issues, the lepers cannot move around much in order to get required medical treatment. More than 1000 leprosy affected people need medical care every month in different locations in Madurai district, and we are trying to provide for the same.

We are targeting to help out poor, uncared for lepers, and we go to their doorsteps with our medical team. They are getting free medicines, ulcer care and dressing from our NGO. We are providing financial support to the leprosy deformed people through income generating activities like milking cows, sheep and goats, petty shops, tea shops, etc.

More than a thousand leprosy affected people are getting cured. Our NGO is trying its best to prevent cases of deformity by providing medical support to the lepers. Due to the financial support that we have been providing, 100s leprosy deformed persons have stopped beggary. In the district of Madurai, our Mahelerecen NGO is playing a big role in helping out the leprosy affected. Every month, 195 leprosy deformed persons receive free medical support through our NGO.

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