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SOS Pantanal | Brazil


The Pantanal, a biome of extreme importance for global environmental balance, has already burned 1.8 million hectares.

The União BR Movement, specialized in climate catastrophes, with non-partisan action and fundraising only from the Private Sector, has supported the Pantanal for 4 years. The União BR Movement has the support of the Instituto da Criança, as the financial manager of its projects.

The main requests received by NGOs and local authorities for support are from indigenous people: water purification filters, which produce up to 10 million liters per day to support the water crisis.

Animals: development of a special diet to support the food chain.

Support this cause: Donate via pix: 4943@institutodacrianca.org.br or contact: freis@institutodacrianca.org.br / (21) 98818-1973 / @uniaobrorg / www.movimentouniaobr.com.br

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