Her Livelihood: Supporting her right to meaningful, safe and dignified work
por CARE CANADAAround the world, women do not have the same access to and control over economic and natural resources and opportunities as men. This means that half of humanity cannot reach their full potential. Investing in women’s livelihoods and promoting safe and dignified work is not only the right thing to do, we must do it to achieve a better, more equal world for all.
How we invest in women’s livelihoods:
We work with women farmers so they can grow and transform food into products that are in demand in markets. We work with men and women in those markets to break down the barriers women face in starting or growing businesses, while decreasing the burdens they often shoulder as primary caregivers . We support women in deciding how their livelihoods become not only more profitable, but also sustainable, resilient, and better able to deal with and adapt to the impacts of climate change.
We work with women to ensure they have the knowledge, skills, and resources to realize their economic potential. We also support women’s groups—such as Village Savings and Loan Associations (VSLAs)—and women’s rights organizations who are leading change in their communities.
Through our advocacy work, we promote gender equality, address social norms that exclude women, and influence harmful and discriminatory laws, policies and practices. This means that women gain access to markets, safe and dignified employment opportunities, and financial services. As climate change transforms the way women work and farm, we also amplify the voices of women-led organizations demanding that governments meaningfully involve them in making decisions that affect their livelihoods.