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Workplace Giving Month

por Australian Red Cross

Your donation will help Red Cross support the most vulnerable people in our local communities, here in Australia and across the Asia Pacific.

People helping people

That’s what your donation makes possible

Every day around the world, these words are spoken by Red Cross staff and volunteers as they support people through their darkest days: “You are not alone. We are here to help.”

They are words of comfort for people finding safety in evacuation centres after flooding rains, or standing among the rubble of lives torn apart by earthquakes. They are practical words heard in crowded bomb shelters, refugee camps and detention centres. And they are words of welcome shared with families fleeing conflict and persecution.

Like you, we believe that no-one should have to face a crisis alone. And because you care enough to give, our teams can be ready to act, 365 days a year, wherever we’re needed most.

"We were here from the first moment... We will heal the wounds of this disaster together."
-Turkish Red Crescent, after massive earthquakes this year.

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