Your donation means the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement can be there to provide humanitarian support to people affected by crisis, conflict and disaster, no matter where in the world they are.
Each year, disasters caused by natural hazards affect more than 200 million people worldwide, while millions more are displaced by human-induced crises and emergencies.
We're part of the largest humanitarian network in the world, with a local presence in almost every country on earth. Our goal is to create stronger and more resilient communities with increased capacity to prepare for, anticipate, respond to, and recover from disasters and crises.
The Australian Red Cross International Disaster Fund is designed to ensure local Red Cross teams have the resources and capabilities they need to provide aid and support to communities experiencing crisis and disaster.
Last year, we have seen earthquakes in Türkiye, Syria, Morocco, and Afghanistan. Floods in Libya, a worsening hunger crisis in the Horn of Africa and worsening conflict in Sudan.
Your donation to the International Disaster Fund means that teams on the ground can be there before, during and after a disaster or crisis strikes to provide lifesaving support to impacted communities.
You have the power to make a difference
can provide warm blankets for a family of five who are seeking shelter from a disaster or conflict
can provide a shelter kit with tarpaulins, ropes and tools to help people put a temporary roof over their head after a disaster
can provide an essential relief pack, with mosquito nets, jerry cans, buckets, hygiene kit, kitchen set, blankets, shelter tool kit and tarpaulins to give a family a new start after a disaster
can give safety and security to 25 families in a refugee camp by providing 100 solar lanterns, as well as helping parents to cook at night and children to do homework.