

London, England

For the last 150 years, we have put kindness into action. The British Red Cross has been helping millions of people in the UK and around the world get the support they need when crisis strikes. In an emergency, every second counts – every pair of hands makes a difference, and so does every penny. These are the moments that demand our best. And the faster and stronger our response, the more lives we can save and support in the aftermath. But to be there for people, we need your help. With more and more disasters happening, and the need increasing, we're being stretched like never before. The rising costs that affect you, affect us as a charity as well. Our teams in the UK and around the world are on the ground helping people in crisis. That might mean providing: food, clean water, shelter and clothing, emergency response services, refugee support, helping victims of modern slavery and trafficking, and wheelchair services. Our vision is of a world where everyone gets the help they need in a crisis. More than 21,500 volunteers and 4,100 staff at the British Red Cross work together to help individuals and communities prepare for, cope with and recover from emergencies. This includes everything from disasters and conflicts to individual injuries and personal challenges. Our work goes beyond conflict and disaster relief, and includes: Refugee support from reuniting families to helping people navigate the asylum system, Independent living services including providing wheelchairs and patient transport, First aid training, and Humanitarian education and advising government. We operate both in our own right and as part of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, the world’s largest humanitarian network, which has more than 17 million volunteers across 190 countries. We refuse to ignore people in crisis. Together, with your support, we are the world's emergency responders. ETHICAL POLICY: Like many other charities, the BRCS has an ethical policy, which includes ethical fundraising. This policy ensures that all of our activities are undertaken to the highest ethical standards and that we accept donations based on these strong standards. You can find it here: https://www.redcross.org.uk/about-us/how-we-are-run/our-policies. One reason for establishing such a policy is to protect the credibility and reputation of the charity, to avoid a conflict between the activities of its donors and the charity’s own objects. Our Ethical Policy precludes us from accepting donations, financial and in-kind, from organisations and individuals associated with a number of areas, including arms , ammunition and defence, tobacco, pornography and fossil fuel extraction. This policy has been set by our Board and decisions regarding donations are overseen by the Board.

The British Red Cross Society is the United Kingdom branch of the worldwide impartial humanitarian organisation the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement.

