Foundations Project in Mali, Niger and Sierra Leone
di SAVE THE CHILDREN-CANADA/AIDE A L'ENFANCE-CANADASave the Children in partnership with SickKids is implementing the Foundations project to support children and youth across three countries in West Africa (Mali, Niger and Sierra Leone). This project provides access to comprehensive sex education, health services, as well as financial literacy and other critical life skills for adolescents, making a real difference in their lives for generations to come.
The objective of the Foundations project is to reduce high rates of early pregnancy, domestic violence, & child marriage, through access to education, life skills training, financial literacy & economic empowerment with the goal of building gender equality over the long term.
Save the children is working with local partners in these three countries to implement the program while SickKids is leading research to assess program impact. The research results, findings and lessons learned will inform policy makers and contribute to the advocacy strategy for the local coalition of feminist adolescent sexual & reproductive health rights actors.