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CARE Communities Fund

di CARE Australia

Your donation will help save lives. It will fight poverty and create a more equal world for everyone. Your donation could send a girl to school, help a woman start a small business, help families recover when emergency strikes or help install village water systems.

Your donation will go where it is needed most. You are helping families living in poverty and together, we can transform lives and create a better world for all.

CARE Australia's impact last year:

We assisted over 1.37 million people across 23 countries

We responded to 37 emergencies across 16 countries

445,618 people received humanitarian assistance

87% of CARE's partners are local organisations

96% of our staff are local to the country they work in

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Come funzionano le donazioni
Fai clic su un pulsante “Dona ora” e poi decidi l’importo della donazione. Passerai quindi al sistema di elaborazione dei pagamenti di tua scelta. Dopo l’elaborazione, la tua donazione sarà inviata all’organizzazione benefica di tua scelta.

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