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Help UNHCR's Emergency Response in South Sudan

par US Association for UNHCR (UN Refugee Agency)

Intense fighting has broken out in Sudan, with reports of civilians killed and injured in multiple parts of the country.

In the last week, thousands of refugees arrived in Chad and are in desperate need of shelter, safety and basic supplies. UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, is on the ground meeting newly arrived refugees and providing lifesaving support.

Sudan hosts one of the largest refugee populations in Africa and due to the fragile political, security and socio-economic situation in the country, displaced families already rely on humanitarian assistance. Now UNHCR is unable to reach many of these vulnerable people due to the renewed fighting.

Today, your love ensures UNHCR can continue to assist in the emergency response delivering vital assistance to newly arrived Sudanese refugees in Chad.

Additionally, your kindness prepares UNHCR to respond to existing and developing needs within Sudan when the security situation allows.

These families desperately need your help. Do not delay. Send critical support now.

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