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COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund for refugees and internally displaced people


The Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) is working around the clock to slow down the coronavirus from spreading to vulnerable refugees and internally displaced people, and to mitigate the impact this crisis will cause.

Refugees and internally displaced people are especially vulnerable to COVID-19 and other diseases, because they are forced to move from place to place and live in overcrowded conditions with limited sanitation and without access to decent healthcare or vaccination programmes.

The most important things now are to raise awareness and meet the need for information and sanitation in impacted communities around the world.

However, as the situation progresses quickly, we rely on flexible funds to respond accordingly. By supporting this fund, you will enable us to:
• scale up our work related to water, sanitation and hygiene facilities;
• disseminate information on the risks and the preventative actions associated with the coronavirus to displaced communities; and
• implement other necessary measures related to protection, shelter, education and other critical services we provide.

Now we need a global push to limit the spread of the virus and to ensure we can continue to provide essential services during this crisis. Support our efforts to protect those who are most vulnerable today!

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