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Help Oxfam Support Families in Need During the Holidays


This holiday season, conflict, economic disruptions caused by the coronavirus and the escalating climate crisis have exacerbated global poverty. Millions of people have been pushed out of their homes, and many are experiencing harsh weather conditions, lack of access to basic needs and medical attention, as well as starvation.

Oxfam works with local communities, partners, and women-led organizations in more than 60 countries, including the U.S., to fight inequality to end poverty and injustice through lifesaving support during crisis, and by tackling the root causes of poverty to make long-term impact.

Your generous support can help Oxfam to:
• offer a refugee family with food, warm clothing and shelter during the cold winter months
• deliver humanitarian aid to those experiencing famine, flood or drought, caused by extreme weather conditions
• provide live-saving vaccines to and medicine support to the most vulnerable populations
• advocate for equal rights and equal treatment so that everyone can thrive, not just survive

Every dollar counts!
$25 can deliver 1300 gallons of clean water to those in need
$40 can provide a blanket, mattress and pillow to help a refugee family stay warm this winter
$56 can provide a family with a fresh food voucher
$100 can provide hygiene kits for 4 people
$250 can build an emergency toilet for displaced families

On behalf of those in need – we thank you.

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