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213-Sabanci University Scholarship Program-Make a Promise for the Future

par Turkish Philanthropy Funds

Young People Who Have Suffered From The Earthquake Will Be Prioritized For The Scholarship Support.

The mission of Sabanci University is to develop internationally competent and confident individuals enriched with the ability to think critically and independently, combined with a strong sense of social responsibility; and, to contribute to the development of science and technology, as well as to the dissemination of knowledge to the community on a global level.

The "Make a Promise for the Future" Scholarship Program is a scholarship fund that aims to enable a higher number of successful and in-need students to benefit from Sabancı University's unique and innovative education. It takes its inspiration from the promises of our young people to solve problems for a stronger future and a better world. With the support you provide to the scholarship fund, the number of our young people who produce solutions to make the world more livable and who promise for the future will grow with you.

Let's take care of the promises of our young people and make a promise for the future together!

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