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392-KAHEV (Kadin Hekimler Egitim Destek Vakfi)

par Turkish Philanthropy Funds

One of the purpose of the work of KAHEV (Kadın Hekimler Eğitime Destek Vakfı) is to provide support for the education of pre-school, primary, high school, and university students to serve to the cultural, scientific and social development of our country and to contribute to an advance-quality of education which will bring us closer to Atatürk's Principles and Reforms and help us to strengthen the values of a civil & modern society in Turkey.

KAHEV provides scholarships to students from pre-school to university.

The process:

A female doctor who is a member of the foundation refers to a student who is in need of scholarship support. Then, the referee doctor commits to be in touch with the scholarship recipient student throughout her/his education life.

1- Your Trust is Under Our Custody Project

KAHEV is collaborating with the Turkish Educational Foundation (TEV) and they are sending the scholarships together.

With the project (“Emanetiniz Emanetimizdir”), KAHEV & TEV provide scholarships for the children whose healthcare worker parents passed away during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The scholarships will not be limited to doctors' children; it will include all healthcare providers from nurses to chemists' children.

2- General Scholarship Fund

Women medical doctors' and physicians' education is long and challenging.

As KAHEV, we are aware of the importance of women's education that would lead to a bright & better future for the country. Hence, we would like to take responsibility and provide scholarships to women in medical school.

With the project, we aim to grow with our members and volunteers and to support more women with our projects.

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