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Americares Ready for Response: Storm Boris Flooding in Europe


Storm Boris has caused severe flooding in Central Europe. So far, dozens have tragically died and thousands more have been displaced. The dangerous low-pressure system has inundated entire towns with water, destroyed bridges and breached dams throughout Poland, Czechia, Slovakia, Austria and Romania.

Americares is in contact with local partners in southern Poland and ready to provide urgent assistance to people displaced by severe flooding.

That’s why we need your help. Your gift today will make a crucial difference as our emergency teams prepare to launch into action.

Americares has 45 years of experience responding to tropical storms, flooding and similar crises. Our teams provide emergency aid to support people in crisis and support long-term recovery – and it’s your generosity that makes this possible.

Whether it’s delivering emergency medical aid in a flood zone or helping communities rebuild in the months ahead, your support in moments like these is essential. Donate today to support Americares Worldwide Disaster Fund to support Americares swift response efforts when disaster strikes.

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