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Food Bank


Our Pet Food Bank provides free pet food to community members facing temporary financial difficulties. The pet food is available through our front desk at our 11 River Street downtown shelter, seven days a week, and through several community organizations we partner with, including food banks, shelters, and other local foundations. These organizations pick up bags of pet food from our animal shelter and use their own resources to provide the food to their clients. We also distribute pet food at the St James Town Food Bank once per month. St James Town is the largest high-rise community in Canada, and identified as one of 13 economically deprived neighborhoods within the city. We are currently delivering food for distribution due to COVID-19, but we plan to resume handing out pet food in person once restrictions have lifted more.
Most of the pet food we distribute currently comes from corporate donations. Additional funding will allow us to supplement donations with purchased food to meet the additional need due to COVID-19, potentially doubling our output. With this funding, our objectives are to distribute 500-600 bags of pet food per month through our front desk, and approximately 1,660 per month through our partner community organizations.

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