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Children in Crisis- Emergency Fund


Your donation to the Children’s Emergency Fund helps us respond quickly in emergencies -- emergencies like the escalating violence in occupied Palestinian territory, which has left millions of people across the region in dire need of humanitarian assistance.

As in any crisis, children are the most vulnerable and every minute counts.

Around the world, millions of children are killed or injured when conflict or natural disasters strike. Their homes are destroyed, they are separated from their families and we know they will be terrified. The Children’s Emergency Fund allows us to respond wherever the needs of children are greatest. It helps us reach children in crisis quickly, providing protection and safe spaces; essentials like clean water, food and health care; education; and much more.

In times of crisis, Save the Children is always among the first humanitarian organizations to respond with lifesaving support for children and their families. We have the local and global experience to respond. The Children’s Emergency Fund is the key to unlocking this expertise.

Please, give today. Your donation will make a real and immediate difference for children caught in crisis.

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