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Zionsville, Indiana

Revere's Riders mission is to to educate the public in American history, support marksmanship sports, and promote civic engagement. We are affiliated with the NRA and CMP and offer a variety of programs with a focus on traditional marksmanship activities. We educate the general public on pro-firearms issues by providing visible leadership, promote the safe and responsible use of all types of firearms and range equipment by facilitating formal and informal classes, and promote the safe enjoyment of all areas of shooting sports by facilitating formal and informal shooting activities.

Revere's Riders mission is to to educate the public in American history, support marksmanship sports, and promote civic engagement.

We are affiliated with the NRA and CMP and offer a variety of programs with a focus on traditional marksmanship activities. We educate the general public on pro-firearms issues by providing visible leadership, promote the safe and responsible use of all types of firearms and range equipment by facilitating formal and informal classes, and promote the safe enjoyment of all areas of shooting sports by facilitating formal and informal shooting activities.

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