Profil de la cause
GlobalGiving Foundation
Washington, District of ColumbiaGlobalGiving is a top-rated nonprofit that accelerates community-led change around the world. Since 2002, we’ve been on a mission to transform the way aid and philanthropy works for people in 170+ countries.
** NOTE: To donate to one of GlobalGiving's projects, please use the search feature above. By donating here—to GlobalGiving—you acknowledge that your donation is intended as general operating support for GlobalGiving, rather than a donation to one of our thousands of projects posted by vetted charities. We cannot guarantee any designations made through the donor note/comment feature will be disbursed to the intended recipient nonprofit or project. **
GlobalGiving connects ... Lire la suite
Comment fonctionnent les dons
Cliquez sur le bouton « Faire un don maintenant », puis décidez du montant de votre don. Vous serez alors dirigé vers le traitement de paiement de votre choix. Une fois votre don traité, il sera envoyé à l’organisme caritatif de votre choix.
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