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TOCEV-Tuvana Foundation for the Education of Motivated Children

par Turkish Philanthropy Funds

Provide a Better Education
As TOCEV we improve children's basic life skills and increase their self-improvement with various social activities. We also support their social and cultural developments, hold special workshop activities, psychodrama activities for all students. Traditionally, we organize a fast-breaking event, new year party, picnics for their educational benefits.

For primary school and high school students, we provide regular health checks, nutrition support, and psychological counseling by routine home visits, and we distribute kits covering urgent needs three times a year, such as school uniform, bag, pencil, boot, coat, pants, t-shirt, underwear, socks, books, novels and storybooks, hygienic pad, deodorants, etc.

For the university students, we provide monthly financial support and cover education or dormitory fees.

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