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AKUT Arama Kurtarma Derneği

İstanbul, İstanbul

AKUT is entirely a voluntary, non-governmental organization involved in searching, assisting and rescuing all who require aid within its authority and means, in mountain or other nature-related accidents, natural disasters and all other emergency conditions by means of trained, disciplined, high-standard personnel and equipment, passing on knowledge to society with no political affiliation.

Today, AKUT is indisputably the #1 search and rescue organization in Turkey, with the largest number of members and the broadest variety of specialized skills. Not only does it have over 200 permanent members and another 2000 volunteer members, it owns state of the art technology that can be mobilized in an instant. AKUT also runs projects that will increase search and rescue competency in Turkish society. With local branches across 32 provinces in Turkey as well as Istanbul on call ... Lire la suite

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