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STEM Education Initiatives for Indonesian Youth

par Prestasi Junior Indonesia

Prestasi Junior Indonesia will utilize resources from the JA Worldwide network of nations together with its partners to deliver impactful learning experiences for young people from elementary school to post secondary schools levels. These resources focus on multiple digital literacy programs with just some of these listed below;

1. Women in Science, Technology, Engineering, Math, Marketing and Design (know as WiSTEM2D). A series of programs supporting girls engagement in STEM activities targeting, in particular, 10 15 year olds. These experiences involve a hands-on engagement as students become involved in creating such products as a mini robot or a vacuum cleaner. The objective is to introduce STEM as a potential career path for women by engaging potentials at a young age. Delivered either on line or within the classroom.

2. Data Analytics - Prepares school leavers for placement within the workforce with the specific skills of data analytics using Microsoft programs. A series of four courses each with four modules undertaken online. The objective is to address the current deficit in digital literacy skills of high school and Polytechnic graduates by providing them with these skills to meet the requirements of a modern workforce.

3. Programs focusing on digital safety and cybersecurity specifically for small business operators. This creates an awareness of safeguarding their resources in a time in which more young people are utilizing digital technology to reach customers.

4. Training in the use of technology skills and strategies for Indonesian teachers of STEM focused subjects. Teachers are provided with the lessons, training, and tools (BBC Micro-Bits and Inventor Kits) to integrate practical instruction for students within the delivery of Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and Math lessons. They are then required to instruct their students using these strategies and tools and, at the same time, build up a library of lesson resources stored on PJI's LMS and accessible to other teachers. This innovation is a collaboration between PJI and the Nanyang Institute of Education.

We thank any potential supporters, in advance for consideration of supporting our initiatives to help young Indonesians achieve an improved understanding of digital literacy whilst, at the same time, experiencing innovative educational tools and programs. Please do not hesitate to contact us for more information if required.

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