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The Mojgan Daneshmand, Pedram Mousavi & Victims of Flight PS752 Memorial Fund

par The University of Alberta

The University of Alberta extends its deepest condolences to the families, friends, colleagues and loved ones of the victims of Ukraine International Airlines Flight PS752.
The Mojgan Daneshmand, Pedram Mousavi & Victims of Flight PS752 Memorial Fund has been established at the University of Alberta, in memory of professors Mojgan Daneshmand and Pedram Mousavi; U of A students and alumni Pouneh Gorji, Elnaz Nabiyi, Arash Pourzarabi, Nasim Rahmanifar, Saba Saadat, Sara Saadat, Amir Saeedinia, Mohammad Mahdi Elyasi, and all who perished. This memorial fund will support graduate student scholarships at the University of Alberta.

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