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Toronto, Ontario

Our mission is to help the most marginalized and hard-to-reach children around the world. For 100 years, we have often been the first on the ground to respond to the needs of children in crisis, and the last to leave. Our innovative and collaborative programs tackle some of the world’s most pressing issues for children. We are doing whatever it takes to give children a voice and advocate for their rights as set out by the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. We won’t stop until every last child survives and thrives.

Save the Children Canada is a member of Save the Children International, a network of 29 member organizations raising funds and operating programs domestically and internationally that focus on the issues of health and nutrition, education, HIV and AIDS, child protection, livelihoods and food security, emergency relief and child rights governance.

The members of Save the Children International work together as a federation by pooling resources, establishing common positions on ... Lire la suite

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