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Partnering with National and International Sister Organizations

par GivHOPE Africa

Project Details
A. Project Development Objective (PDO)
The PDO is to increase partnership and solidarity amidst not-for-profit organizations and their communities through in-kind donations, income generating activities, training, and capacity building to set up small businesses and have access to grants in selected economic areas during these hard times of Covid-19 pandemic. PDO Level Indicators Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) include:
a) Increase in the number of partnerships achieved; and
b) Number of target groups reached increase with the project’s assets or services, especially among women's communities targeted at 80 percent;
c) Partner organizations satisfaction rate with the quality of project-supported services.

B. The project will address the profound needs of each other organization with which GivHOPE Africa has ties during this economic and health hardship as a result of coronavirus by filling three main gaps: Training, empowerment services, financing and in-kind donations. Its working relationships and indicators with sister organizations will provide mutual support to each other community through multiform initiatives. Another project thrust expected to be transformational is encouraging mentorship/tutorship and experience/knowledge sharing among organizations. The project design is predicated on a multi-pronged approach with the following areas of focus:
a) GivHOPE Africa priority is to make sure that each partner organization and their communities have the same vision and goal (Access to basic needs) and builds up individual responsibility with a sense of pride, achievement and hope among the people they serve.
b) Selected geographical areas: Project support will be focused on areas where extreme poverty due to covid-19 hits the most among communities of partner organizations. Four organizations have been selected for project implementation : (i) Cameroon/Cote d'Ivoire, Community Resource Centre for the Disabled and the Disadvantaged (CRCDD) in the North-West, Bibliotheques Rurales in Meidougou, the Adamawa region and Loum DIASPORA in the Littoral region; (ii) North America, DC Dream Center, Feed the People Aid in Washington, DC and MASJID ASH-SHURA, Atlanta Mission : Ending Homelessness in Atlanta. The selection was based on mutual understanding and cross-cutting priorities such as capacity building, empowerment of vulnerable groups, and adherence to minimum living standards. The main cross-cutting priorities to be addressed under the project are: (i) capacity building; (ii) empowerment of vulnerable communities in the development of their businesses or/and in-kind donations; and (iii) Nutrition, bearing in mind that these minimum services, due to the coronavirus pandemic currently do not always meet the required basic standards.

In Cameroon, the project will promote self-employed activities through financing micro-projects. It will contribute to finding appropriate solutions for target groups’ personal development and their families, including their communities. In this vein, the project will seek to improve groups’ business environment, including the implementation of the new selling techniques such as E-commerce; to engage at all levels of the targeted domains by encouraging their participation in the commercial arena and facilitating access to finance. Scope of intervention and complementarities with other GivHOPE Africa projects and Services: The project interventions will be strategic and closely coordinated with other GivHOPE interventions. The project will seek to complement and enhance the support to vulnerable groups already provided through various GivHOPE funded projects. Finally, the project will reinforce and optimize its financing requirements, as well as its overall management capacity with new approach to implement projects at high risk sites. It would do so by designing additional financial aid conditions for groups living in these zones and new health safety and security measures for GivHOPE partners on the ground. Project implementation will be sequential to avoid a possible overcrowding of activities. To address the possible risk of having an overcrowding of activities, project tasks will be prioritized, and their implementation sequenced over time accordingly. The approach will apply upfront with important initial activities implemented first to ensure full project readiness for implementation; other activities will be appropriately spread over time as project implementation unfolds.

In Washington, DC Metropolitan areas and Atlanta, GA , GivHOPE Africa partnership will be limited to in-kind donations, experience/knowledge sharing, tutoring and mentoring programs for the first two years.

Project Description
The project has five components structured around five core activity phases: (i) income generating activities, capacity building and empowerment; (ii) health/education through tutoring, knowledge/experience sharing, mentoring, apprenticeship, vocational training or formal education; (iii) in-kind and cash assistance, job placement for those with skills in the private sector or self-employment; (iv) Advocacy and consciousness campaigns on project financing and management; and (v) Project results, implementation, supervision, evaluation and monitoring.

C. COMPONENT 1: INCOME GENERATING ACTIVITIES, EMPOWERMENT, AND CAPACITY BUILDING (15,000.00 US$) This component will lay emphasis on capacity building and empowerment for those who want to carry out small businesses during the Covid. The component will generate significant socioeconomic returns in the short and long term through the target group businesses that will render them financially independent. This component could also contribute to maintaining or improving socioeconomic development in targeted areas such as fast food in war and most hit by covid-19 zones. The project will mainstream gender and community dimensions in all its activities, training and funding of investment initiatives. This will be achieved by targeting economic activities in which communities, especially women and their families predominate.

D. COMPONENTS 2: HEALTH/EDUCATION THROUGH TUTORING, KNOWLEDGE/EXPERIENCE SHARING, MENTORING, APPRENTICESHIP, VOCATIONAL TRAINING OR FORMAL EDUCATION (20,000.00 US$). Component 2 will support improved access to basic services, particularly health and education, with care for the sick and enrollment in school or apprenticeship in vocational centers, tutoring/mentoring and experience/knowledge exchange programs among partner organizations. The rationale is to provide improved universal mutual access to services to targets and their communities. The component will generate significant socioeconomic impacts in the short and long terms through a more educated and healthy population. GivHOPE Africa will mostly rely on each organization and its communities at the identification stage to identify their priorities emphasizing on health, education, access to basic needs, especially water and sanitation. In Cameroon, for instance, GivHOPE Africa partners in the remote areas will be much involved at identification stage. GivHOPE options must be consistent with national plans in the covid-19 relief response, overall health and education sectors to avoid any efforts duplication.

E. COMPONENT 3: IN-KIND AND CASH ASSISTANCE, JOB PLACEMENT FOR THOSE WITH SKILLS IN THE PRIVATE SECTOR OR SELF-EMPLOYMENT (30,000.00 US$). Activities under Component 3 will focus on the expansion of the wellbeing of partner organizations and their communities by improving their living conditions in selected areas. This component seeks to improve the resilience of the poorest/most vulnerable households through cash assistance, job placement in the private sector or funding of micro-projects for others. In-kind donations in clothes, food, mattresses, masks, sanitizers, beds, bed sheets, lingerie, feminine hygiene pads, books, school bags, business tables and shelves will be donated to groups according to partner organization priorities.

F. COMPONENT 4: ADVOCACY AND CONSCIOUSNESS CAMPAIGNS ON PROJECT FINANCING AND MANAGEMENT (5000.00 US$) Component 4 will finance advocacy and awareness campaigns on covid-19 and project financing and management to lift up partner organizations in selected areas. This component set as socioeconomic exchange (ASEDE) between partners holds annually in Atlanta and includes all stakeholders: (Traditional rulers, faith groups, administrative officers, civil society, health centers municipalities, the media and communities). The campaigns will be widely broadcasted and covered by national and international press. Media gadgets and kits will be produced, and thematic workshops, forum, roundtables discussions and interviews will be carried out. This component seeks to contribute, maintain and reduce the huge disparities between each organization target groups, especially the gender gap.

G. COMPONENT 5: PROJECT RESULTS, IMPLEMENTATION, SUPERVISION, EVALUATION AND MONITORING (10,000 US$) Based on the lessons learned from each other partner organization implementation of the project, the project will provide future actions and activities in the selected areas. The project will implement innovative monitoring arrangements. For example, GivHOPE Africa will create a computerized database that will measure progress on outputs and outcomes for the evolution of partner organizations and their communities at the end of every fiscal year. GivHOPE might also carry out interviews or surveys to measure how each organization target groups are impacted by mutual interventions. The project will rely on its internal resources and on its partners to help monitor progress in different areas. The project will capture progress in the implementation of basic services. The project will need external expertise in implementing some of its components.

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Project locations in the USA : 1565 Crider Road SE #24-B, Marietta, GA 30060.

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