M.E. Day is the event that the Charity hosts once a year at different locations. M.E. Day stand for (Mental Health Edification Day). Each year any community can apply for a M.E. Day event through our website www.meday.ca The event is a free event for everyone, but you will have to download a ticket from our www.meday.ca website or go to the local public library to get one printed out. (this is because there is a limited number of seats allowed in the event center for fire and safety regulations) We do not want to turn anyone away from the event. There is a guest speaker, and booths of a variety of different help that are available for mental health. M.E. Day is all about making connections and creating your own mental health team. We (the Charity board members/and volunteers) do all the “leg work”. We do fund raising (one of the year-round on-going fundraisers is selling M.E. Day clothing through the link on our website www.meday.ca). We also find sponsors, book and pay for the guest speaker, find the event center and pay for it, find the help for mental health that is in the community and surrounding area and invite them to set-up a booth at the M.E. Day event, and everything else that it takes to put on this event so it can be a free learning evening for everyone. Our hashtag is #Hartlinspired