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Build a Water Well in India


The Situation

Water scarcity is an ongoing issue in the villages of India. India faces a serious and persistent water crisis owing to a growing imbalance of supply and demand, as well as poor water resource management and climate change. India is projected to face severe water stress by the year 2050.

Women in India spend an estimate of 150 million work days every year fetching and carrying water

Water quality is also an ongoing issue, with untreated sewage flowing into water bodies polluting drinkable sources of water; as 80 percent of the sewage generated goes untreated. Additionally, lack of access to improved water supply and adequate sanitation persists.

How you can help?
IDRF, in partnership with local communities, is addressing these ongoing issues by building 90 ft. deep manual water wells.

One water well provides water to 75 people, 15 households

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