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Gaza Response


In response to urgent humanitarian needs in Gaza, Direct Relief over the past 8 months, has delivered approximately 70 tons of medical aid, valued at more than $26 million (wholesale), including cancer treatment therapies, diabetes medications and supplies, cardiac medications, syringes, sutures and wound care items, water purification tablets, oral rehydration salts, and more.

Direct Relief, an apolitical, non-sectarian, and nongovernmental humanitarian aid organization, is committed to responding to ongoing health needs and requests for support across the region.

Additional medical essentials have been delivered to and being staged in Jordan, with more en route. Deliveries from Jordan into Gaza will be made as the shifting security and logistics channels permit.

All Direct Relief shipments to Gaza and elsewhere in the region are the result of extensive coordination with various national governments, international agencies, and on-the-ground organizations, and will continue to be delivered in accordance with U.S. sanctions laws and necessary approvals from Israeli, Egyptian, Jordanian, and other relevant authorities.

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