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Providing Aid to Children and Families at the U.S. Border


Save the Children is deeply concerned for the well-being of children and families crossing the U.S.-Mexico border. In 2022, we supported more than 1,000,000 people including more than 500,000 children through the provision of immediate humanitarian needs such as food, water and safe shelter.

Save the Children works in Mexico and the U.S. along the entire border through a network of 34 shelter partners and social service agencies, as well as three cities across the U.S. (Chicago, NYC, and Washington, DC) that are welcoming and supporting asylum seekers bused from the border. Our technical experts on child protection, social and emotional learning, early childhood and infant-and-young-child feeding equip border communities and respite shelters with expertise to address the unique needs of families seeking their help.

Children and families fleeing life-threatening violence, poverty and the devastating effects of climate change deserve safety and protection.

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