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Join Plan International Canada’s efforts to improve the lives of 200 million girls around the globe.


Millions of girls face obstacles and risks that most of us can’t imagine.

They include being forced into marriage and having children too young. Or suffering serious and life-threatening complications from female genital mutilation and other forms of gender-based violence. It also means going without life-saving food, critical health care, quality education and safe shelter.

We won’t stop until we are all equal!

Join us, in helping girls experience what we all hope for in life, and that’s the chance to be safe, healthy, educated and capable of caring for ourselves and the people we love. We also want to know that help is there when we experience a crisis and must rebuild our lives.

We aim to raise $2 million, and if you donate by June 30, 2024, your contribution will be matched.

Are you with us?


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