She Belongs In School - Supporting girls’ education and fostering girls’ empowerment in Northern Mozambique
de SAVE THE CHILDREN-CANADA/AIDE A L'ENFANCE-CANADAAdolescent girls in Mozambique face many challenges to accessing a full course
of primary and secondary education, including inability to pay for costs related
to education, long distances to school, and socio-cultural pressure for early marriage.
Culturally, there is a perception that there is limited value in educating girls and
young women, who are expected to focus on marriage and having children. During
the period of adolescence (10-19), girls are particularly vulnerable to dropping out
of school in the provinces of Niassa and Nampula in northern Mozambique.
To address these challenges Save the Children has introduced “She Belongs in School” – a 5-year project (April 2022 to August 2026) that will be implemented across 7 districts in Nampula and Niassa provinces: Nacaroa, Memba, Erati, Muecate, Mandimba, Cuamba, and Macanhelas.
Through this project, we aim to:
• Improve the literacy & numeracy skills and sense of empowerment of adolescent girls
• Ensure adolescent girls feel an increased sense of support from their families and communities.
• Encourage family members and communities to be supportive of girls’ rights, particularly the right to education
• Ensure schools and non-formal learning spaces in their communities are safe, supportive, and offer high-quality education
Your donations would help Save the children reach over 32,000 girls who will be
provided with training, financial assistance, and supported through other project activities.