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Disaster Response and Recovery

de Australian Red Cross

Your donation to the Disaster Response and Recovery Fund powers the work of Red Cross emergency teams.

Whether it’s a bushfire, a flood, a cyclone, drought or any other emergency, we’re here to help.

And we’re here for everyone.

That’s why we need you.

Donations to the Disaster Response and Recovery fund power the work of Red Cross emergency teams. 

Our emergency teams are experts in their field, staff and volunteers alike. Many of them have lived through emergencies themselves. 

With disasters increasing in size and frequency, it costs around $4 to $5 million each year to keep our teams in the field. We rely on donations for this work. 

Donations to the Disaster Response and Recovery fund enable Red Cross teams to do their work: preparing people for emergencies, providing comfort and care when they happen, and supporting them as they recover afterwards. 

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