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Ukraine Appeal


Protect and empower women and girls in Ukraine and neighbouring countries

The war in Ukraine has led to more than 6.2 million refugees and over 7 million internally displaced people, most of them women and children. The war contributed to growing risks, including trafficking, gender-based violence, sexual exploitation and abuse, and forced labour.

UN Women is committed to supporting the people of Ukraine, especially women and girls, at this time of greatest need.

We are working to ensure that women’s priority needs are addressed, and their rights respected: We support women’s access to information, safety and security as well as to basic necessities such as food, medicine, and hygiene products, accommodation, water and access to power and connectivity. We support women’s access to livelihoods, including the ability to work and earn an income. We are conducting rapid gender assessments to ensure that up-to-date data and analysis on the gender dynamics of the war and its impacts are available to all those working on the response.

In Moldova and Ukraine, we are supporting women’s civil society organisations that support war-affected populations as well as essential services for refugee women and girls.

Help address the escalating needs of women and girls in Ukraine and those who have had to flee to neighbouring countries. Please donate today.

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